Dr. Theresa Nicassio’s websites, social media, or any promotional materials or presentations are not intended to diagnose nor treat any medical or psychological conditions. Always consult appropriate professionals who are familiar with your unique health needs before making any changes in your diet or lifestyle.
This website and any promotional materials or presentations associated with YUM or D&D Publishing & Distribution is designed to be an inspirational resource, made available to readers with the understanding that the author and publisher are not offering any professional or medical advice specific to any individual’s needs or situations. The information provided in this or any other associated medium is in no way a substitute for professional counsel, advice or treatment by a licensed healthcare professional.
Because some ingredients and other products included in the recipes on this website or in any promotional materials or presentations may interact with certain health conditions or medications, or may result in allergic or other reactions, always check with your professional healthcare provider before incorporating new foods into your diet.
If you have any known health conditions, you are advised to have your health monitored regularly by competent professionals who are familiar with your needs.
The author and publisher are not liable for any loss, injury or damage that might arise from using the information contained on this website or in any promotional materials or presentations or for any information that is not included in any of its pages or scope.
Please note that products and companies mentioned on this website or in any promotional materials or presentations are personal preferences of the author. Readers may have different products and companies that they prefer.