Tricks, Tips and Recipes for Kids
Kids are our future. We not only love them, but they also depend on us to guide and teach them how to care for themselves and for the earth that they are inheriting from us.
As the African proverb says, “It takes a village to raise a child,” this is an important part of YUM‘s mission. While all of the recipes in the book of YUM are easy enough that a 12-year-old can make (and many of the recipes have been designed to appeal to kids and adults alike), I know that there is incredible wisdom and recipes, tips and tricks that you might also like to contribute to other readers!
Submit your favourite recipes that kids love or that kids can help prepare, through our Submission Page. Submissions will be published on this website over time! And if you have tips and tricks for kids, or have a topic you would like us to cover, please reach us through our contact form. You can of course also speak about your ideas in the comment sections anywhere else on the website where you would love to share your ideas and experiences. Together our wisdom can move mountains—let’s pull together in this very important endeavor for our children and the future of other children as well…..They need us.

Recipes Kids will Love to Eat and Make

Gluten-Free Peanut-Butter Cookie Sandwiches (sugar-free & vegan)
Diabetic-Friendly, Kid Friendly, Sweets
Crazy-delicious, this Gluten-Free PEANUT-BUTTER COOKIE SANDWICH RECIPE breaks all the rules because even the creamy frosting is healthy too! While standard buttercream frosting is LOADED WITH ICING SUGAR (typically 4 cups to 1 pound per batch), this delectable recipe is entirely free of cane sugar!

YUM STRAWBERRY JELLY (vegan, gf, sugar-free, diabetic-friendly, low GI, low-sodium)
Diabetic-Friendly, Kid Friendly, Sweets
Because of the use of low-GI sweetening, combined with the naturally low carbohydrate density of strawberries, this delectable dessert is diabetic-friendly!

NO-BAKE PUMPKIN PIE (gluten-free, sugar-free, dairy-free, egg-free)
Kid Friendly, Sweets
This vegan (gluten-, sugar-, dairy-, sugar-, and egg-free) no-bake rendition of the traditional dessert is outrageously [...]
Old Fashioned Pancakes (gf/v/sf)
Breakfast, Kid Friendly
Delicious and fluffy pancakes that no one will guess have no gluten, milk, eggs or sugar!