“Inclusive Cooking” – Food Everyone Can Enjoy

“Inclusive Cooking” is a new paradigm and philosophy that I developed to encourage a more heart-centred, generous and emotionally-sensitive  approach to food sharing in society. Eating is inherently an emotional experience, strongly impacted by our attachment experiences and sense of inclusion (or l [...]

By | October 2nd, 2015|Articles, Blog, Gluten-Free, Kids|Comments Off on “Inclusive Cooking” – Food Everyone Can Enjoy

The Power of Compassionate Listening

Perhaps the greatest gift we can ever offer another human being is our willingness to be as present and accepting of them as is humanly possible. Doing so costs nothing, except our focused energy and attention. And the social, psychological and emotional implications of not only listening, but also [...]

By | July 29th, 2015|Articles, Blog|Comments Off on The Power of Compassionate Listening

Is the Food You Are Eating Making You Depressed or Anxious?

If you are suffering from symptoms like depression, anxiety, low energy, brain fog, problems concentrating, attentional challenges, memory difficulties, etc, it is really important to be properly assessed by a qualified health professional. This is because there can be many different potential cause [...]

By | July 24th, 2015|Articles, Blog, Gluten-Free|Comments Off on Is the Food You Are Eating Making You Depressed or Anxious?

Buy YUM Cookbook NOW for Great Savings! (gf, sf, v)

Book Description: Much more than a cookbook, YUM: plant-based recipes for a gluten-free diet offers new possibilities for enjoying a delicious life, even if you have dietary restrictions. This invaluable resource has 180+ delectable dishes, inspired techniques and a guide to special ingredients. The [...]

By | July 15th, 2015|Articles, Blog, Events, Gluten-Free|Comments Off on Buy YUM Cookbook NOW for Great Savings! (gf, sf, v)

Blueberries… in the Shade & Small Spaces

Picking up a bite to eat! Many berries thrive in containers, small garden spaces, and in the shade. Offering abundant harvests for us, as well as providing a great food source for birds, bees and other pollinators that we share the planet with, everyone wins! My favourite berries to grow in the shad [...]

By | July 1st, 2015|Articles, Blog, Gluten-Free, Kids|Comments Off on Blueberries… in the Shade & Small Spaces

Bio-Individuality: Why kale may or may not be good for your body…

So many people ask about the kale/broccoli/cruciferous controversy! As the article on mercola.com speaks about, these vegetables are packed with nutrients, as well as having been shown to have potentially anti-cancer properties (apoptosis-induction), due to the isothiocyanates. Interestingly, where [...]

By | June 7th, 2015|Articles, Blog, Gluten-Free, Recipes|Comments Off on Bio-Individuality: Why kale may or may not be good for your body…

Appreciating Beauty: Nature’s Best Therapy

I have come to believe that one of the most healing things we can do in our lives is appreciate the beauty and the blessings that abound around us. It never ceases to amazing me how much more there is to see in even the most common and familiar, when I take the extra time to look more deeply or from [...]

By | May 24th, 2015|Articles, Blog|Comments Off on Appreciating Beauty: Nature’s Best Therapy

When ‘I’m fine’ is not the truth…

When the words ‘I’m fine’ do not really capture the truth… This is such a tricky one, and is yet another reflection of the discomfort we have in our society of being able to communicate our needs clearly. What makes this all the more complicated is how pervasive the communication dance around person [...]

By | May 7th, 2015|Articles, Blog|Comments Off on When ‘I’m fine’ is not the truth…

Enjoy Life—Guilt-Free!!!

It was wonderful to have another interview with Dr. Raji Menon (general surgeon & life coach) about one of my favourite topics---Pleasure.  If you are game for more pleasure in your life, be sure to listen to my most recent radio interview on VoiceAmerica, where I spoke about enjoying life/pleas [...]

By | April 17th, 2015|Articles, Blog, NEWS|1 Comment

Stories Affect our Brain & Behavior

Stories touch us in profound ways---both those that are presented to us by others, and the stories that we create in our own minds. The impact of our responses to such stories can not only have psychological and physical implications, but social, societal, and even environmental implications as well [...]

By | March 31st, 2015|Articles, Blog|Comments Off on Stories Affect our Brain & Behavior